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Moorestown Seniors and Local Students Shine in Virtual Reality Trivia Game Show at Cambridge

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Cambridge trivia

Residents of Cambridge Enhanced Senior Living and Cambridge Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center in Moorestown teamed up with local students for a virtual reality Back-to-School Trivia Tournament, competing against dozens of other teams in the Mid-Atlantic region. Participants, wearing virtual reality headsets, answered trivia questions on a variety of topics, fostering intergenerational bonding and fun. Rendever’s technology is aimed at enhancing the aging process, promoting social engagement, and creating thriving communities. The 14-acre Cambridge campus sits in the heart of picturesque downtown Moorestown, 12 miles east of Philadelphia. It offers assisted living, memory care and on-site skilled nursing at Cambridge Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center, which recently celebrated the completion of Phase 1 of a multi-million-dollar renovation and modernization.  

See the press release here.

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