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Cambridge Celebrates the Spectacular ‘70s During National Assisted Living Week   

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Cambridge residents enjoying a colorful ‘70s celebration during Assisted Living Week. Pictured (L-R) are Ruth Jenkison, Satish Gupta, Bette Salmon and Joy Fagan.

Cambridge Enhanced Senior Living is celebrating National Assisted Living Week® by taking its residents on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, focusing on the 1970s. Through a series of activities, residents are reliving the memorable moments of that decade. This initiative reflects Cambridge’s commitment to providing active, fun, and educational programming for its residents. National Assisted Living Week, established by the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL), aims to recognize the importance of assisted living care for seniors and individuals with disabilities. The choice of the ’70s theme aligns with the community’s personality, offering residents opportunities to share personal moments and historical events from that era. The week concludes with an “Outrageous Friday” party, fostering a sense of community and cherished memories among residents.

Read the press release here.

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